Autofocus capability ensures the camera can be automatically refocused when needed.

The application also allows you to update the camera firmware, to restart the device in case of functioning errors and to you can apply custom scripts to your IP camera. Camera Within the Sarix Professional range, the Sarix IMP Series mini dome cameras feature a remote zoom lens for wide angle or long range surveillance needs. Whether youve searched for a plumber near me or regional plumbing professional, youve found the very best place. Device Utility is a free program that enables you to manage and configure the Pelco cameras.
A license key is not required to use this tool. Apply common settings to multiple cameras at the same time, configure Pelco Smart Analytics, or adjust individual cameras to fit your site requirements. Mix and match the performance options and form factor you need for almost any lighting condition, environment, and application. The Camera Configuration Tool allows you to configure Pelco cameras that are discovered on your network. There are also indoor-only options such as a vandal resistant wedge and micro dome. Sarix Professional Range Powerful, versatile, and affordable, the Sarix® Professional (P) range cameras pack the most popular features and functionality of Sarix technology into a wide range of indoor and outdoor options, including bullet cameras and mini domes. Pelco IMP221-1ES 2 MP Outdoor Mini Dome IP Security Camera